Investing is one way of setting aside money while you do what you have to do with your life and let money work for you. This way, you can enjoy its rewards in a later time. Simply speaking, investing can bring you a happy ending as you set foot with your retirement. According to Warren Buffett, a famous and legendary investor, he defined investing as a process of laying out money today to get more of it in the future.
The primary goal of investing is making your money work for you by putting it in different kinds of investment vehicles. So, how does investment work? Say that you have a thousand dollars and you are all ready to invest or perhaps, you just have an extra of 10 dollars a week and you want to start investing. Keep on reading to be able to know how you can make that money grow and work for you.
Identifying the Type of Investor You are
Just before committing your hard-earned money, the very first thing that you have to do is to identify the type of investor you are.
When you open a brokerage account, expect the online broker to ask you questions regarding the risks that you are willing to take. At the same time, they would want to know about your investment goals.
One brokerage firm that you may want to sit with is IG broker. If you are not confident, which is totally understandable, it will be great to take time reading IG broker review.
Now, assuming that you pushed through, the broker will help you in identifying the investing approach you’re more comfortable with. There are investors who are more hands on when it comes to foreseeing the growth of their money while some are into setting it and forgetting it. Majority of the traditional brokers both offline and online will be offering you to invest in any of the following:
- Mutual funds
- Index funds
- ETFs or Exchange Traded Funds
- Bonds and;
- Stocks
Online Brokers
Brokers can be either discount or full-service. In the latter, they provide full selection of traditional brokerage services which include healthcare, financial advice for retirement and everything that’s related to money, hence the name.
Usually, you’ll see them dealing with high-profile clients and charging expensive rates including percentage of the transaction, percentage of the assets they are managing and at times, annual membership fee.
Discount brokers on the other hand provide you varieties of tools and put your own transactions. Many of them are also offering robo-advisory services and set-it-and-forget-it type of service.