When it comes to foreign currency, it is still very common to think of the traditional way of buying in exchange, especially for those who are planning to travel. But the foreign exchange market goes far beyond the acquisition of paper money. There are different ways to invest in the currency of other countries, whether for hedge (protection) or speculation.
7 Forex Trading Tips and Tricks
Here’s what you need to know before investing in the Forex market.
Currency exchange offices are even the least recommended options for anyone thinking of making gains with other foreign currencies, as there are fees for buying or selling, risk of theft, and even degradation of banknotes. This modality is usually indicated when cash money will, in fact, be necessary, for example, on a trip or purchase.
But the options go well beyond that. The main ways of exposing yourself to other currencies are foreign exchange funds, multimarket funds, e futures contracts on B3, among others. And, like any other operation, stakeholders need to identify their objectives and their investment profile before investing resources, because the risks are varied.
The foreign exchange market is binary, with a focus on protection or speculation, leading investors to diversify their portfolio and expose them to the international market. Regardless of the path chosen, the look must always be directed to the economy of each country.
“Currency variation always reflects something macroeconomic worldwide,” says Cristiano Lima, superintendent of Ágora Investimentos’ Operations Bureau.
This means that if in Australia the gold has a strong impact on the currency, in Norway, Petroleum stands out. And it varies from country to country, not only in terms of goods but also in political terms.
“If something is happening in Britain that may be interfering in the macroeconomic environment, such as Brexit, it would allow you to speculate or act as a hedge, operating the pound sterling here in Brazil,” says Lima.
For those who intend, in fact, to take risks in this market, the executive Victor Hugo Cotoski, from Infinox Capital, based in London, defends that it is necessary for Forex Traders to be attentive to macroeconomic calendars. Speculation needs to be tuned to the countries’ agendas, and that involves not only knowing how the interest rates moves but also inflation rate that impacts the government plans for the short, medium, and long term.
“This is what you analyze to find out whether you are going to speculate against or for the currency. The world calendar, compared to Brazil, is 30, 40 times bigger. So you have to keep an eye on the news because the calendar gives you more options for you to trade various assets, ”recalls Cotoski.
In this sense, the economic situation is the one that dictates which currencies can yield the most secure and/or attractive results to investments. Victor Hugo recalls that in times of crisis, where there is a lot of volatility (falling and rising prices), the tendency of capital is to go to the US dollar and the Japanese yen.
Japan is a country with super-controlled inflation, which has already undergone several economic breakdowns and restructurings. Therefore, it is a country known for having a strong currency against the US dollar. So much so that in the pandemic the Japanese yen appreciated against all currencies.